Stretch and Explore was born from workplace doodles. As an art teacher the term comes up a lot. "Stretch and Explore" is one of the 8 Studio Habits of Mind a framework developed through a Harvard Project Zero Study. The study identifies and describes a set of habits or characteristics that working artists posses. When artists Stretch and Explore they play, try new things, and make and learn from mistakes - LOVE IT. It's my favorite Studio Habit to teach and embrace in my own art making.

I loved it so much I made it my name...but if never really felt like mine. As my business has grown I've felt I needed something more unique to me. Commence the brainstorm.
Props go to the little bro for ultimately coming up with this one...

According to Merriam Webster a neat-line is: the innermost of a series of lines that frame a map or mechanical drawing. Yassssss.
After much deliberation (including strongly considering an alternative name only to find out a lesser known meaning of my seemingly made up word is to dig in the dirt with a snout...) I decided that Neatline Designs successfully represents my brand. Most of my work is rooted in a sense of place and quite literally within the lines of maps. I also work with "neat" lines, get it? eh? eh?
Stretch and Explore is not gone forever. I foresee it making an appearance in the grander scheme of this crazy art endeavor sooner or later.. maybe art and yoga adventures that embrace a more literal take of the words "stretch" and "explore"?!